BORGHETTO Borghetto di Valeggio
sul Mincio (VR) is
oneofthe mostcharmingvillagesof ourcountry.In2009itwonthegold medalfor beingthemostbeautifulvillageinItaly. It's asmallgroup ofsitesbuiltin1400aroundaseriouswater millsforgrindingwheat andhuskingricealongtheriverMincio. Themillsoperateduntil themid-twentiethcentury.Afterseveraldecades ofneglect,theyhave been restored. Thelittletownpreservesthe typical featuresof the groupsofwater mills"craft"a standardforcenturiesin the riversofthe plains. Theimposingruinsof theVisconti Bridge,thebeautifulviewson the wheelsof the mills,thedeaffascinatingmusicof the rushingwater.
Bay Park of Mermaids (Punt
San Vigilio)
Monte Baldo and rotary cable
car (Malcesine)
Botanical garden "Bagoda" (Desenzano del Garda)
The garden Delight(Gargnano)
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Castello, 66 - 25015 Desenzano del Garda (Bs) -
Cellulare +39 338 7063578 Fax +39 030 9144816